John Madden had an illustrious football career, making it to the Hall of Fame and coaching the Super Bowl-winning Oakland Raiders. But to gamers, his name is synonymous with one thing: Madden NFL.
Originally, Entertainment Arts (EA) founder Trip Hawkins wanted football hero Joe Montana to be the face of his football simulation video game, but when Montana said he already had a deal with Atari, Hawkins went to NFL legend and football broadcaster John Madden. Going to Madden ended up prolonging the release, as Madden insisted that if his name was on the product it would have to be realistic (and re-creating professional football on late 1980s gaming technology was no easy task). After three years of development, the first Madden NFL game was released in 1988.
Since then, the series has sold more than 85 million copies and released more than 29 variations. Critics have acclaimed the series for its increasingly realistic graphics and smooth play, and competitors have created sports simulation games for every sport from soccer to tennis. It’s a good thing that Madden said what he did when Hawkins initially showed him his basic design in the mid-'80s: “Hey, if there aren't 11 players, it isn't real football."