
Monitor Daily Podcast

November 21, 2018
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Mark Sappenfield
Senior global correspondent

Perhaps there’s something to this Thanksgiving thing. On the eve of Thanksgiving Day in the United States, consider the growing evidence of the transforming importance of gratitude.

Gratitude is one of the strongest predictors of life satisfaction. One study found that daily gratitude improved happiness as much as doubling your income. “Doubling your income takes a lot of time and effort,” notes a report in Quartz, “gratitude takes five minutes each night.”

Gratitude helps counter or reduce materialism. “Materialistic people are less happy than their peers,” writes Jason Marsh of the University of California, Berkeley in a Wall Street Journal article. “They experience fewer positive emotions, are less satisfied with life and suffer higher levels of anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.”

“Social emotions” like gratitude and compassion help us succeed, David DeSteno of Northeastern University tells The Atlantic. “When we feel grateful, compassionate toward ourselves and others, and proud of our abilities, the struggle to work hard for future rewards becomes, well, less of a struggle.”

And Professor Marsh adds: “There’s also evidence that practicing gratitude helps people bounce back from stressors and illness. More grateful people are less likely to get sick.”

Gratitude is more than the occasional “thank you,” he says. “Instead, the principles of Thanksgiving give rise to a unique way of seeing the world.”

Now, on to our five stories. We explore why words matter in Europe’s crisis of cooperation, how algorithms could help us beat human biases, and one woman’s determination to turn a dream into a blessing for Flint, Mich.

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Today’s stories

And why we wrote them

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters/File
President Trump shakes hands with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington March 20.

On both sides of the aisle, members of Congress are concerned about American values being de-emphasized in current foreign policy. So, on several key issues, they’re reasserting their power in a bipartisan way.

Nationalism shapes the politics of both Europe and the United States, but their historical experiences with it differ. In Europe, the distinction between “nationalism” and “patriotism” defines the continent’s past and, perhaps, its future.

Jacob Turcotte/Staff

We know artificial intelligence can amplify human biases. This story, however, is about the companies that are pioneering AI as a tool for workplace fairness.

Points of Progress

What's going right

Our next story is about fairness, too. But it focuses on pushing corporate boardrooms themselves to find remedies to gender imbalances. It can be done – and pushes can help. 


Mike Naddeo
Chia Morgan, seated at her home in Flint, Mich., organizes a meal each year for people who might not otherwise get a full Thanksgiving dinner.

When Chia Morgan saw a need in her Michigan community, she rose to the occasion. Her annual Thanksgiving dinner highlights what’s possible when one person takes action.

The Monitor's View

NASA/Roscosmos/Hando­ut via REUTERS
The International Space Station is seen from a Soyuz spacecraft after undocking Oct. 4, 2018.

What is the most expensive machine ever built, costing roughly $150 billion?

If skies are clear, it can be spotted daily overhead at locations all over the world since it’s the third-brightest object in the night sky, after the moon and Venus (best viewing times are dawn and dusk).

The International Space Station is marking its 20th anniversary circling Earth, completing 16 orbits of the planet each day. Construction began on Nov. 20, 1998, but perhaps the station’s most remarkable achievements came in November 2000, when the first human crew arrived: a US Navy Seal and two Russian cosmonauts. Since that time humans have continually lived in space; some 230 visitors from 18 countries have come and gone from the ISS. 

As such, the space station is not only a technological achievement but also a remarkable example of international cooperation. “The way we have put that program together with our international partners is absolutely the best example of how we can peacefully, successfully do complicated things,” retired NASA astronaut Nicole Stott told CNET earlier this year.

The construction of the ISS has been an engineering marvel; all the materials had to be shot into space in a series of launches, then assembled in an airless, hostile environment. 

“Performing just one of these voyages safely was a major challenge but the station’s design called for 30 of them just to deliver the station’s basic building blocks,” writes David Nixon in his book “International Space Station: Architecture Beyond Earth.” (In the end, 42 flights brought up the principle components, 37 on US shuttles and five on Russian spacecraft.) “Against the odds, all arrived on orbit safely and flawlessly where they fitted together correctly and precisely.”

The final US shuttle mission in 2011 provided the materials to complete the station. Today it’s as long as a football field, powered by nearly two-thirds of an acre of solar panels. 

For its 20th anniversary the ISS is about to receive a 3-D printer that will help it recycle its waste plastic into useful new items. Called the “Refabricator,” the device should cut down on the amount of cargo that arrives via costly resupply missions from Earth.

Despite its record run, the ISS may not have a long-term future. The United States may decide to end funding within the next decade. The station then might pass into private hands, part of the continuing privatization of space flight.

Even if the station were abandoned, it will have recorded a long list of achievements. With her 665 days aboard the ISS, for example, NASA’s Peggy Whitson set the record for the longest human stay in space.

The station has helped researchers learn much about how humans respond to living and working in space (crew members have undertaken 205 spacewalks to construct and maintain the ISS). That’s valuable preparation for the possible construction of a space station orbiting the moon, which would play a key role in humans returning to Earth’s nearest neighbor. And, of course, for the possibility of long-duration trips to Mars.

The great expense and difficulty of space travel and colonization means it will be best accomplished with the combined efforts of the world's nations. Regardless of their home country travelers looking down from the ISS at the blue ball called earth see no national boundaries, only a common home. The multinational effort behind the building of the ISS should be an inspiration – and a springboard – for closer international cooperation back on earth.

So look up sometime in the night sky. You just may spot a bright dot, the place where the permanent settlement of space begin.

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

Today’s column explores the healing power of gratitude – all year long.

A message of love

Sakchai Lalit/AP
Tourists pose for photos Nov. 21 on the new glass deck of the King Power Mahanakhon building in Bangkok, Thailand. The structure is currently Thailand's tallest at 314 meters (1,030 feet).
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Jacob Turcotte. )

A look ahead

Thank you for joining us today. We will not be publishing a Daily tomorrow, since it is Thanksgiving in the US. But on Friday we’ll have a story for you about efforts to make sure voting rights in America are not curtailed – and the growing resolve behind them.

More issues


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