Free Comic Book Day: What is it and how can you celebrate?

Free Comic Book Day will be held on May 4 and will give comic book fans a chance to receive free comic books including issues from series like 'Superman' and 'Walking Dead'.

Matt Rourke/AP
Comic books are set aside at comic book store Brave New Worlds in Philadelphia to be given away on Free Comic Book Day.

Oh yes, it's going to be a big weekend for comic book fans: In addition to today's release of the “Iron Man 3 movie” tomorrow is also Free Comic Book Day worldwide.

The celebration, which is held on the first Saturday in May each year, first occurred in 2002 and gives fans an opportunity to get select comic books for free. Not every comic store participates, but it’s estimated that more than 2,000 stores across the globe participated last year.

This year, the roster of comic books being given away includes “Superman Special Edition,” a “Walking Dead” special issue, “Action Time Buddies,” and a combination “Sesame Street” and “Strawberry Shortcake” issue. Comic books for FCBD are chosen by retailers that are selected to be the deciders by Diamond Comic Distributers, the company behind the celebration. The number of free comic books available depends on the store.

The comics being given away are separated into Gold and Silver categories. Typically, the Gold publications are books released by a more high-profile publisher.

Diamond Comic Distributers is estimating more than 4.6 million comic books will be given away this year.

Not every comic book store will be participating, but you can search for one near you by using the store location tool found on the Free Comic Book Day website.

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