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Monitor articles for October 03, 2018
- Culture shift: What’s behind a decline in drinking worldwide
- Podcast: The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast October 3, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily
- Presidential tax-paying and public trust: Why fairness matters to Americans
- All for one? How key undecided senators may approach Kavanaugh vote
- Breaking a taboo: Jerusalem elections and the Palestinian vote
- A Christian Science PerspectiveLook for the burning bush
- The Monitor's ViewIndonesia’s gift-horse response to post-tsunami aid
- Think computers are less biased than people? Think again.
- First LookICE and border officials were unprepared for 'zero tolerance' policy
- First LookGermany reaches out to US public as relations strain
- First LookParis plans zero-carbon future with first 'eco neighborhood'
- First LookMexican tourism brings uneven development in Nayarit state
- Life skills with a side of kale: Helping homeless youth one salad at a time
- First LookDespite enormous reconstruction costs, Syria vows to rebuild
- Podcast: Perception Gaps Introducing: Perception Gaps by The Christian Science Monitor
- 'Young Benjamin Franklin' reintroduces an icon, seeing him as neither saint nor sage
- Difference MakerIn Pakistan, she sees the value in children who ‘are never seen or heard’
- I sing in praise of puttering
- First LookPolice officer's testimony reveals striking differences in perception