The San Diego Humane Society and SPCA has been in the business for a very long time. Twenty, 50, 100 years? Keep going higher. Amazingly, it's 133 years, with the founding year of 1880. Although the society contains "Humane Society" and "SPCA" in its name, it is not associated with either the previously-mentioned Humane Society of the United States or any other SPCA in the country. The society operates exclusively in the San Diego area with the following programs: sheltering and adopting animals, reviewing cases of animal cruelty and neglect, rescuing animals in emergency situations, training pets with positive reinforcement behavior, educating adults and youths, and pet-assisted therapy. The society has a very strong donor base, affording at least $13.5 million in total annual expenses for an organization operating in a metropolitan area of 3 million people.

The San Diego Humane Society and SPCA was founded in 1880.