Mayor Bloomberg on Air Force One fiasco: Fughedaboutit...

Mayor Bloomberg told reporters that "the planes are long gone in history" when asked if he was satisfied with President Obama's response on the disastrous Air Force One photo op issue from last week.

What's more odd?

Newt Gingrich and Al Sharpton meeting together -- harmoniously -- at the White House, or New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg brushing off the Air Force One incident that panicked thousands of New Yorkers last week?

Both happened. Gingrich, Sharpton, and Bloomberg met with President Obama today to discuss education issues. After the meeting the threesome stepped outside the West Wing to take questions from reporters.

With the disastrous photo op still fresh in the minds of many reporters (not to mention NYC residents), Bloomberg was asked if he "was satisfied with the response from the Obama administration over the fiasco."

"Oh, I don't know," he replied, "the planes are long gone in history. We gotta get worrying about things -- kids are much more important than that kind of stuff."

Change of heart

That's a different Bloomberg, as you'll recall, from last week. Then he was "furious" about it.

“Why the Defense department wanted to do a photo op right around the World Trade Center catastrophe defies imagination,” he fumed.


Hopefully, for the sake of the director of the White House Military Office (WHMO), President Obama will have Bloomberg's adapted attitude. An internal review of the photo op is expected to be released tomorrow.

Louis Caldera, WHMO's director, is on the hot seat. He's the one who OK'd the controversial mission, and he took full responsibility for it last week.

By the way, the White House has relented, agreeing to release one official photo of the flight. We'll post it when we get it.


If the White House ever makes us release photos, we'll do it on Twitter. So follow us!

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