USA | Politics | The Vote
- Elizabeth Lauten resigns: Why critics attack first daughters at their perilCongressional aide Elizabeth Lauten resigned Monday after a Facebook post criticizing the teenage daughters of President Obama. If there's one area where most Americans seem united, it's in agreeing that the children of sitting presidents should be off-limits for snide commentary.
- 'High-flying Hillary': Why the Clintons' campaign travel costs may top $1 millionBill and Hillary Clinton's combined travel expenses for campaign rallies and fundraisers is likely to exceed $1 million, according to state and federal finance reports.
- After midterm sweep, Canadian asks: 'What were you thinking, America?'Through the 'hope and change' highs and the 2014 midterm lows, Canadians have generally stuck by Obama - certainly more so than Americans.
- Shellacking 2.0: Is this the 'end of an era for Democrats?'Conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer declared 'the end of an era for Democrats.' Time magazine put Mitch McConnell on its cover. Were the mid-term elections a sweeping Republican mandate?
More The Vote
- Facebook 'I Voted' button experiment: praiseworthy or propaganda?Facebook is helping to boost voter turnout with an 'I voted' button in the news feed of users. Is this social experiment really helpful or does it hide ulterior motives?
- Elizabeth Warren for president? Four reasons she won't run in 2016The buzz around Elizabeth Warren running in 2016 is rising – or perhaps reaching a crescendo. But there are at least four reasons why the Senator from Massachusetts won't run for president.
- NYC primary: How strong a break with the Bloomberg years?As New Yorkers vote Tuesday in the mayoral primaries, one question is how broad a coalition liberal Democrat and Bloomberg critic Bill de Blasio will build en route to his expected victory.
- Clinton leads 2016 poll in Iowa, but Rand Paul is closeClinton leads 2016 poll: Hillary Clinton tops the latest poll of potential 2016 presidential candidates in Iowa. Clinton comes out ahead of Sen. Marco Rubio and Sen. Rand Paul.
- Chris Christie praises Obama (again): Is he digging himself in deeper?Six months after his famous – some say costly – hug of the president on the Jersey Shore, Gov. Chris Christie says Obama 'kept every promise that he made' on hurricane Sandy disaster relief.
- Donald Trump CPAC speech: Is he a Democratic secret agent?Donald Trump, speaking at CPAC Friday, envisioned a GOP turnaround that involves either repudiating basic Republican beliefs or doubling down on stuff that’s getting the party in trouble.
- Hillary-Michelle in 2016: Awesome or awful?'Hillary–Michelle in 2016' is the buzz on the Interwebs and TwitBook at the moment. Here's why such a hypothetical ticket would be awesome – and maybe not.
- The war on Sarah Palin's Christmas bookNews that Sarah Palin is writing a book about Christmas has led to an explosion of comment in social-media spaces. Here are the most likely ramifications of this Palin development.
- Why Republicans want a military trial for Osama bin Laden's son in lawSulaiman Abu Ghaith, the son-in-law of Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda spokesman, now faces a trial in New York. But some Republicans want Abu Ghaith to face a military trial in Guantanamo. Why?
- Sean Hannity vs. Rep. Keith Ellison: Who won epic argument?Fox News host Sean Hannity and his guest, Rep. Keith Ellison, exchange insults in one of the most 'contentious' TV interviews in recent history. Is it another sign of what's wrong with cable news?
Monitor's Best: Top 5
- Arab world unites on Gaza. Can it get US, Israel, and Hamas on board?
- Cover StoryIn Kansas, the Shawnee vie for control of their history
- To Russia, with love? Why some in West are heading east to start over.
- From the ashes: After wildfire, can this Olive Avenue family move forward?
- The ExplainerAs trade wars roil markets, what do retaliatory tariffs accomplish?