Sunday morning show lineup
As we enter full bore into Inaugural weekend, guess the theme of the Sunday shows.
A. Hot dogs versus corn dogs: an emotional debate.
B. Is the Atari 2600 making a comeback?
C. Why can't Will Farrell really host Celebrity Jeopardy?
D. The incoming Obama Administration.
Although all are fine topics, the answer is: D - the incoming Obama Administration.
Well, with Barack Obama being sworn-in our 44th president on Tuesday, you might as well get to know the people you'll see making news for at least the next four years, right?
Desert island
It's the old desert island question. If you could only watch one of these shows - which one would you watch?
Although all have great lineups, we're picking CNN today as they've got the incoming and outgoing administrations on its guest list (not to mention Barack Obama).
Our second fave is ABC's This Week. Devoting the majority of the time to the discussion with Obama senior advisor to David Axelrod will be eenteresting, very eenteresting.
Here's the lineup:
ABC's This Week. Incoming White House senior adviser David Axelrod. ABC's George Will, Donna Brazile, Matthew Dowd, PBS' Gwen Ifill, and the Washington Post's E.J. Dionne will discuss the Inauguration and the "exclusive dinner soirees" they say.
CBS's Face the Nation. National Economic Council director-designate Lawrence Summers, Georgetown University's Michael Eric Dyson and Slate's John Dickerson.
CNN's State of the Union (yeah, it's really Late Edition - but they give it a new name today). President-elect Barack Obama; David Axelrod, senior Obama adviser; Ed Gillespie, Bush White House counselor; Howard Kurtz with Dana Perino, Bush White House press secretary, and Dee Dee Myers, former Clinton press secretary.
FOX News Sunday. Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and White House Press Secretary-designate Robert Gibbs.
NBC's Meet the Press. Guests include Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff-designate; Tom Brokaw, NBC News; David Brooks, New York Times; Doris Kearns Goodwin, historian; Tavis Smiley of PBS; and Chuck Todd, NBC political director.