
Monitor Daily Podcast

February 16, 2021
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A former editor of mine once argued that “infrastructure” is the most boring word in journalism – guaranteed to induce drowsiness within 10 seconds. Today, the people of Texas begged to differ as they faced power blackouts amid historic cold. Parents of students waiting to go back to aging public school buildings also might disagree.

Infrastructure seems to matter only when it fails. From roads to school buildings to the energy grid, American infrastructure is overstretched. Why is this so hard to fix? One answer is that it was never easy. Seeking to catch up to England, Alexander Hamilton proposed a bold plan to improve America’s roads and canals. Congress ignored it. That was 1791. Likewise, some states today want to keep the government small and out of the way of business. That can lead to lapses in oversight, as in Texas, the only state with a privatized power grid.

The Texas grid “has collapsed in exactly the same manner as the old Soviet Union,” one analyst told the Houston Chronicle. “It limped along on underinvestment and neglect until it finally broke under predictable circumstances.”

Meanwhile, states embracing larger government, such as California, are thinking differently than they did in the 1950s. They’re spending less on things than people, from public sector employees to the poor. Big public works projects also often run afoul of the environment.

Put simply, Americans are putting other things first. But when voters care, localities are finding innovative ways to raise money to do things, like with bond measures from Maine to Seattle. Which, perhaps, gives some hope to Texans and public school parents.

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Today's stories

And why we wrote them

Jay Reeves/AP
Michael Foster of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union holds a sign outside an Amazon facility where labor is trying to organize workers on Feb. 9, 2021. For Amazon, a successful effort could motivate other workers to organize. But a contract could take years, and Amazon has a history of crushing labor organizing.

The tech industry has long held unions at arm’s length. But tech workers are increasingly demanding a voice. In the end, they may not need traditional union representation to get it.

Ebrahim Noroozi/AP
Iranians attend a rally marking the 42nd anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, in Tehran, Iran, Feb. 10, 2021. The anniversary was an occasion for politicking between bitter political rivals over the possible return to the 2015 nuclear deal.

For Iran, is the nuclear deal a path to prosperity or humiliation? President Trump emphatically delivered the latter. The question now is: Has the calculus changed, or not?

What is it like to live in Russia once the Kremlin labels you or your group a “foreign agent”? Contrary to perceptions, many remain active, though there are signs of trouble. 

Lucas Jackson/Reuters/File
Photographs of Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president and CEO of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and NRA President Lt Col Oliver North stand above attendees of the NRA annual meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, on April 27, 2019.

The NRA thought it was a political kingmaker, but its power always came from the passion of its members. When it forfeited their trust, the mighty organization collapsed.


Our picks for top fiction of February touch on life passages, famous lives, and plain talk about climate change – as well as provide an opportunity to commune with some well-versed thinkers.

The Monitor's View

One global achievement during the pandemic is that major countries put aside their differences and agreed on a person to lead the World Trade Organization. And not just any person, but the first woman and the first African to be director-general of this guardian institution of open trade. This consensus hints at what Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala herself calls the WTO’s potential to be a “force for good” in countering the coronavirus’s economic effects and in lifting up the world’s most marginalized people.

The last thing the world needs, says the Harvard-educated economist, is a “surge of nationalism” in response to the pandemic and a closing of borders and a disruption of global supply chains. Multilateralism has never been more needed than now, says this Nigerian-born American citizen.

The pandemic, she points out, has forced many countries to be transparent, predictable, and fair in how they contain the virus – all fundamental principles of the multilateral trading system set up after World War II and especially in the WTO’s founding 26 years ago.

Her first priority is to make sure health supplies flow freely between countries. After that, her biggest task is to spread more widely the benefits of the global trading system. Last year, as the pandemic was starting, she wrote that out of the “doom and gloom” of an epidemic, “there are fresh insights about the value of caring work, the need for empathy and the importance of community.” Will the world, she asked, see “a new spirit of kindness based on the dramatic reminder of our shared humanity?”

Growing up in Nigeria, Ms. Okonjo-Iweala saw how trade protectionism can lead to political patronage and corruption. As the country’s first female finance minister, she stood up to special-interest groups in a campaign against corruption. As managing director of the World Bank, she honed her managerial skills as an honest broker, as a listener, and as someone with what she calls “an objective head.”

The WTO needs such skills to form a new consensus about its purpose. The 164-nation body has faltered in the face of a backlash against globalization and a contest between China and the United States, especially over their competing models for running an economy. Trade, she says, cannot be made “a bogeyman to blame for the economic problems that some countries face.” She suggests one solution is to allow countries to self-select their commitments to lesser trade agreements.

Her ascendancy to the WTO comes as her home continent officially started a free-trade zone on Jan. 1. African leaders now see how trade has reduced poverty in other parts of the world.

Trade is not an end itself but a means, says Ms. Okonjo-Iweala. If properly managed, it can be an inclusive force to bring marginalized people into an economy, or what she says is an equal opportunity to make progress. One good example is the selection of someone who once lived on one meal a day to fix the global trading system.

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

Sometimes it can feel as if only time can bring about the healing or solutions we seek. But recognizing that God is expressing universal goodness at every moment empowers us to experience that goodness more tangibly, here and now.

A message of love

Smiley N. Pool/The Dallas Morning News/AP
Dan Bryant and his wife, Anna, huddle by the fire with sons Benny and Sam (12 weeks old), along with their dog Joey, also wearing two doggie sweaters, with power out and temperatures dropping inside their home after a winter storm in Garland, Texas, on Feb. 15, 2021. The storm brought snow and freezing temperatures, along with power outrages that left more than 4 million Texans without power.
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Karen Norris. )

A look ahead

Thank you for joining us today. Please come back tomorrow when our Harry Bruinius looks at how liberal strains of Christianity and their “social gospel” appear to be gaining political momentum after being eclipsed for decades by conservative voices.

And please note that an error led to the Friday edition of the Daily being sent without the audio version. If you’d like to hear it, please go back to Friday’s edition. The link now works.

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