
Monitor Daily Podcast

February 12, 2021
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Linda Feldmann
Washington Bureau Chief

“Nothing is ever really lost, or can be lost,” the poet Walt Whitman once wrote. Some headlines this week provided a ready reminder of that timeless observation. Take nonagenarian Paul Grisham of San Diego, who left Antarctica 53 years ago after working there as a Navy meteorologist – and forgot his wallet. 

A few years ago, the wallet turned up in the station where Mr. Grisham had worked and eventually landed with Bruce McKee, who runs an organization dedicated to World War II vets. Through some sleuthing, he found a surprised Mr. Grisham, who didn’t even remember losing the wallet. But he was delighted to get it back. 

“My ID card was in beautiful condition,” Mr. Grisham marveled in The Washington Post. “You can see that at one time I had dark hair.”

In Chicago, a much younger man had a more searing “lost and found” experience. Donald Rabin, a graduate student in music, had left his $22,000 flute on a train and feared it was lost for good. But a few days after posting his final plea on Facebook, he heard from the homeless man who had found it – and pawned it.

Long story short, the Post reports, Mr. Rabin got his flute back with the help of the pawnshop owner and Chicago police. Now Mr. Rabin is helping publicize the GoFundMe page of the homeless man and his wife. As of mid-day Friday, they had raised $15,720 of their $25,000 goal.

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Today’s stories

And why we wrote them

Unlike in a jury trial, the senators who will vote whether to convict Donald Trump were themselves caught up in the Jan. 6 siege. The evidence presented this week has been deeply felt by both sides.

Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP/File
Demonstrators shout slogans while carrying a sign calling for the recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom during a protest against a stay-at-home order amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Huntington Beach, Calif. on Nov. 21, 2020. About a year after the state's first coronavirus case, Newsom has gone from a governor widely hailed for his swift response to a leader facing criticism from all angles.

At a time when partisan politics are intertwined with the pandemic, California is a reminder that the challenges in the U.S. go beyond party. What voters want? Competence and trust.

Martial Trezzini/Keystone/AP/File
The United States name sign is photographed one day after the U.S. announced its withdrawal at the 38th session of the U.N. Human Rights Council at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva on June 20, 2018.

Is the cause of international human rights better served when the U.S. brings its vision of universal values and support for democratic principles to the global table – even if that table is flawed?

A deeper look

Ciro de Luca/Reuters/File
A couple wear protective masks on the second day of a lockdown across Italy, imposed to slow the outbreak of the coronavirus, in Naples on March 11, 2020.

Hope springs eternal. The pandemic, with its masks, its social distancing, and its closure of normal hangouts, has put a damper on dating. But this Valentine’s Day, most singles still trust that love will find a way.


Understanding America’s past requires listening to those who have been denied a place in the historical record. Black women writers have confronted marginalization, our columnist notes, to build a fuller picture of the nation’s past – and present. 

The Monitor's View

A bride waits to take her wedding vows at a mosque in Ahmedabad, India.

Most governments try by varying degrees to instill fairness into their systems of justice, land ownership, education, and health care. But progress toward equity is uneven and – in some places, in reverse. In India, for example, the ruling Hindu nationalist party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, continues to limit the rights of Muslims. The latest example is a string of new restrictions on interfaith marriage in states it controls through laws banning religious conversion. 

Since November, three BJP-controlled states have enacted laws making such conversions a criminal offense. At least two more have drafted similar legislation. The real intent of such laws is to ban what is called “love jihad.” The term falsely depicts Muslim men as predators out to convert vulnerable Hindu women through marriage. 

Activists have cried foul. India has a secular constitution. The 1954 Special Marriage Act protects unions of couples from different religious communities. Although the Supreme Court has twice refused to hear petitions this year challenging the constitutionality of the new religious conversion laws, some opponents are pushing back with a different weapon: love stories.

Last October, as the country’s most populous state was preparing a law that would impose prison terms of up to 10 years for anyone found guilty of using marriage to force someone to change their religion, three former Indian journalists launched a campaign called the India Love Project. It invites couples married across the lines of religion, caste, and ethnicity to tell their stories through social media.

“There is a narrative that there are other, more insidious motives for marriage – that love is being weaponized,” Samar Halarnkar, one of the campaign founders, told the BBC. 

In practice these restrictions address a phantom issue among a population of 1.35 billion. According to a 2013 study by the government-run International Institute for Population Sciences, based on the most recent comprehensive survey of Indian households, only 2.2% of all married women between the ages of 15 and 49 had married outside their religion. A Statista poll last May found that 75% of Muslim women in India “strongly disagree” with interfaith marriage. But the conversion laws fit into India’s long history of Hindu-Muslim strife and their adverse effects were almost immediately tangible. Since the first law’s adoption in the state of Uttar Pradesh, dozens of Muslim men have been accused of “enticing a woman and forcing her to convert to Islam.” In the city of Lucknow a wedding was halted. Hindu women face harassment and violence if they are found with Muslim men. Interfaith couples trying to register their marriage face daunting bureaucratic hurdles.

Nivedita Jha, an author and journalist who posted her own story of interfaith marriage, told Al Jazeera that “love jihad” laws violate “the soul” of the constitution. “Jihad is [only] done when we go to war,” she said. “In love, there is no war.” 

The India Love Project is modest as protest movements go, but sometimes the call for justice has to rise up from the grassroots, reminding governments of their true role. Marriage is common to all human cultures. It embodies shared ideals of steadfast commitment, selflessness, a safe environment for children, a home for each heart. Where it flourishes unrestricted by discrimination or exclusion, it can be a source of stability for societies as well as individuals.

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

Every day throughout the year, God’s comforting, healing love is showered on all of us without measure, as this poem conveys.

A message of love

Robert F. Bukaty/AP
With a chill in the air and sea birds in the sky, a visitor to Fishermen's Point takes in the sunrise on Friday in South Portland, Maine. Historic Portland Head Light sits on the rocky coast in the background
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Karen Norris. )

A look ahead

Thank you for joining us today. We don’t publish on Monday, a federal holiday in the U.S. But watch for a note from one of our senior political writers on the contemporary relevance of President Lincoln’s words.

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