
Monitor Daily Podcast

September 09, 2020
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The three women leading the Belarus opposition – after what they say were fraudulent elections, on Aug. 9 – have been detained or expelled, or have fled

But Nina Bahinskaya isn’t going anywhere. And therein lies a deeper problem for President Alexander Lukashenko, who’s been in power for 26 years.

You see, Ms. Bahinskaya is a 73-year-old great-grandmother who’s emerged as a symbol of political defiance. She’s been among the more than 100,000 pro-democracy protesters marching in Minsk every weekend since early August.  

This bespectacled woman with short-cropped white hair was captured on video kicking a riot policeman twice her size after he snatched her red-and-white Belarusian flag during an Aug. 26 protest. The video went viral. 

It “was not very good behavior,” she concedes to the BBC, but if “your things are stolen, you won’t just say ‘thank you.’”

Today, people chant “Nina, Nina” when they spot her in Minsk. Women stop her for selfies and call her an inspiration.

Ms. Bahinskaya may be the latest Twitter sensation, but she’s been a thorn in the regime’s side for decades. She tells Radio Free Europe that half her pension is garnished each month to pay the fines she’s incurred from protesting.

“We are not slaves. People must be free,” she tells the BBC. 

So, when you next hear about the massive protests in Belarus – and you will – think of Nina. She represents a quality of resoluteness that isn’t likely to fade.

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Today’s stories

And why we wrote them

Noah Berger/AP
A firefighter battles the Creek Fire in the Shaver Lake community of Fresno County, California, on Sept. 7, 2020.

One measure of a society is how well it cares for its neediest. In the first of two stories today about compassion, we look at what California is doing to improve protection for older people and those with limited mobility in case of a wildfire.

In pursuit of justice, the U.S. has helped the International Criminal Court, even as it rejects the court's jurisdiction over Americans. We look at why that delicate imbalance has now turned to U.S. hostility.


Tracing global connections
Mstyslav Chernov/AP/File
Icebergs in eastern Greenland on Aug. 14, 2019. The ice sheet in Greenland has been melting faster in the last decade and this summer, it has seen two of the biggest melts on record since 2012.

For some countries, the pandemic is influencing perceptions about solving another global challenge: climate change. Our columnist finds that Europe’s economic reopening plans, for example, boost spending on clean energy production.

Nursing homes face a tough moral choice: Protect patients from the pandemic with continued strict lockdowns or carefully ease the isolation that deprives them of the vital and healing connections of visits from family and friends.


Courtesy of Penguin Random House and Workman Publishing
“Abe: Abraham Lincoln in His Times” by David S. Reynolds, Penguin Press, 1088 pp.; and “His Only Wife” by Peace Adzo Medie, Workman Publishing, 288 pp.

Resilience is a quality threaded through much of the fiction that made our list in September. Tales of hardship overcome, of rising up out of limitations; these are stories that see people through difficult days. Among the two nonfiction selections, a new biography digs deeper into Abraham Lincoln's leadership during the Civil War, and a history of refugee camps captures the plight of displaced people after World War II.     

The Monitor's View

Maria Kolesnikova, one of Belarus' opposition leaders, gestures to a crowd in Minsk Aug. 27.

It was a scene out of a Cold War novel. On Monday, KGB agents in Minsk pushed Maria Kolesnikova, one of three women behind the pro-democracy protests in Belarus, into a car. Then the security agents drove her to a checkpoint at the border with Ukraine and tried to forcibly expel her. Instead, she tore up her passport, climbed out a car window, and walked back toward her own country with head high.

By clinging to her right as a citizen, Ms. Kolesnikova showed in action what she had been advising people during two months of protests in Belarus. Rather than plead for dignity from authorities, she acted on her inherent dignity. In fact, in helping organize the protests against dictator Alexander Lukashenko after a rigged election Aug. 9, she has ensured protesters were inclusive, respectful, and peaceful.

“There has never been a plan other than reminding people of their own dignity,” she said. The result has been a civic awakening with demonstrators being largely leaderless and fearless.

In many countries, the key to either creating a democracy or improving one has been to recognize the dignity of all. Ms. Kolesnikova says the Lukashenko regime has shown “disrespect, humiliation, and intimidation” to the people. The best response, she says, is for Belarusians to act with freedom and dignity. “That can't be broken with police batons,” she says. Ms. Kolesnikova was detained again on Monday after her escape. Yet her example no doubt has left a mark in Belarus.

Reminders of this approach can be found in recently liberated countries. Each Jan. 14, Tunisia celebrates the “Dignity Revolution” in 2011 that ousted a dictator and led to democracy. Ukraine is building a “Dignity Revolution” museum in the capital Kyiv to honor its pro-democracy revolts in 2005 and 2014. In Sudan, where democracy is still a work in progress, the civilian leader, Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, often justifies each new reform as preserving the “dignity of the Sudanese people.”

Neither government nor politicians can bestow dignity. Nor do social or material circumstances determine its expression. This point was made clear after World War II when all countries joined in signing a “universal” declaration that states: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”

Dignity is also marked by an innate capacity to distinguish what is good. “Most people know in their innermost being that they have dignity and that this imposes upon others the duty of respect,” said Justice Anthony Kennedy, a former Supreme Court justice.

In many countries, a feeling of humiliation is commonly heard these days. Politicians often revel in stoking that feeling.  Yet when dignity kicks in, individuals can move entire countries. Belarus may be next to show how.

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

When a minor traffic accident in Cape Town led to a threatening confrontation laced with racial undertones, a driver quietly turned to God. This pause for prayer empowered him to respond with brotherly love rather than anger, leading to a harmonious resolution.

A message of love

Kim Hong-Ji/Reuters
A woman rides down an escalator at a shopping mall in Seoul, South Korea, Sept. 9, 2020.
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Karen Norris. )

A look ahead

Thanks for joining us. Come back tomorrow: We’re working on a story about the rise of neighborhood tutors for “learning pods.” They may be one solution to the education crisis, if you can afford it.

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