
Monitor Daily Podcast

September 08, 2020
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Mark Sappenfield
Senior global correspondent

Kendall Richard wondered when the evacuation order would come, or where the crews that usually camped out in their firetrucks had gone. Fires kept coming closer to her Pleasants Valley Iris Farm in Northern California, but none of the usual help came.

In the end, she and her husband evacuated based on their own instincts. With “the whole northern state caught on fire … you get resource-thin because you’re having to go to so many different places,” one Cal Fire official told Modern Farmer.

That means help has had to come from unusual and extraordinary places. Rancher Cole Mazariegos-Anastassiou knew local fire crews “had their hands full.” So his staff of four and about a dozen neighbors used a tractor to create a firebreak by uprooting trees. At one point, they were fighting 10-foot flames with water buckets. Across the state, fire departments have also rushed to one another’s aid, with the Menlo Park fire chief telling the Los Angeles Times: “It’s just what we do. No questions asked.”

With resources strained beyond their limits, the kindness of others is proving essential. Though Ms. Kendall’s flower farm did not escape the flames, customers have vowed to help, from rebuilding to sending back bulbs they bought in the past. “This whole thing has given us a renewed faith in humanity and the kindness of human beings,” she says.

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Today’s stories

And why we wrote them

A deeper look

Cheney Orr/Reuters
Alexa Callander virtually teaches a second grade class for students who are either at home or in a separate classroom at the Rover Elementary School in Tempe, Arizona.

Many American children are returning to school today. They’ll find changes that could lead to innovation and greater equality – through everything from microschools to joy-based learning.

Melanie Stetson Freeman/Staff
Students at the private Hartsbrook School attend class outdoors on Sept. 3, 2020, in Hadley, Massachusetts. Some schools in the U.S., including public ones in New York City, plan to use outdoor space to help facilitate in-person learning.

One of the most obvious changes to schools this year will be, in some cases, a lack of walls. Teaching outdoors is one of the ways educators are finding to allow school to feel like school.

Earl Neikirk/Bristol Herald Courier/AP
A Trump masked boat rider waves to those on the Hwy 421 bridge during the South Holston Trump Boat Parade on Sept. 5, 2020, in Bristol, Tennessee.

Trump boat parades are a political innovation at a time when the pandemic has limited many forms of campaigning. They’re the newest form of the president’s raucous rallies.

Many small dams and reservoirs across the United States are deteriorating. The new solution? Just take them out.

Points of Progress

What's going right

In our weekly update on progress around the world, we look at voting rights in Iowa, Black candidates for Congress, the power of wind in Scotland, and a welcome surprise for penguin lovers.

The Monitor's View

Sudanese protesters in the capital, Khartoum Aug. 17 to pressure transitional authorities for more reforms.

The notion of the Arab and Muslim world as a cauldron of perpetual religious strife – and thus a place to avoid – has been a difficult rap to beat. Yet many countries keep defying the myth. The latest may be Sudan. On Sept. 3, its prime minister, Abdalla Hamdok, signed an agreement to enshrine the principle of “separation of religion and state” in the constitution. In addition, political parties would not be established on a religious basis.

Sudan joins Tunisia, Iraq, Lebanon, and a few other Muslim-majority countries that are trying to curb their sectarian divisions or the strict imposition of sharia, or Islamic law, on civic and private life. Notions of political equality are rising up, led mostly by youthful protesters who rely on the Arabic term for citizens: muwatinun.

Sudan’s move toward secular governance comes out of pro-democracy protests that felled a dictator, Omar al-Bashir, in April 2019. His three-decade legacy of Islam as the de facto state religion is slowly being overturned in favor of a unifying “civilian state.” An interim constitution makes no mention of sharia. The transitional government has abolished the apostasy laws as well as corporal punishment or flogging of non-Muslims. It allows non-Muslims to drink alcohol. It has banned female genital mutilation, a practice tied to certain religious views of women.

Religious freedom is not yet assured in Sudan. The military has a strong hand in an 11-member council preparing for full democracy in two years. Many hardcore Islamists oppose the idea of religious equality or even peaceful coexistence among faiths. They will have a say in writing a final constitution.

More than 90% of Sudan’s 45 million people are Muslim while 6% are Christian. One member of the ruling council is a Coptic Christian.

What makes Sudan’s progress worth noting is that a number of scholars have lately tried to revive the memory of Muslim-majority lands having an inclusive society during the Ottoman Empire of the late 19th century. An 1876 law, for example, passed under the Ottoman constitution declared the equality of all subjects as citizens. One slogan during the 1919 Egyptian Revolution was “Religion is a matter for God and the homeland is for all.”

It was external pressures, such as Western colonization during the 20th century, that escalated conflicts between Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others, the scholars point out. “Religious diversity does not have to generate a problem of political sectarianism,” writes Ussama Makdisi, a historian at Rice University. It is “simply wrong to analyze sectarianism as if it is age-old and some self-evident phenomenon.”

For scholar Alexander Henley at the University of Oxford, the region’s authoritarian regimes want the United States to believe that “sectarianism is ancient and unfixable so that we will fear democratization in the Middle East as much as they do.”

“Sectarianism is a problem, but let us remember that it’s a new problem, and that what can be made can also be unmade,” he writes in an article published by Georgetown University.

The task for the Mideast is to reinvent the ecumenical coexistence that it once enjoyed, or to “illustrate a far richer reality that we often lose sight of in our despair today,” says Dr. Makdisi. That despair, and along with it the fire of religious hatreds, may be lifting in places like Sudan. A history of past coexistence has a future.

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

Jesus said, “With God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). While problems in the world sometimes seem overwhelming, following Jesus’ example of complete faith in God’s all-power quiets our own thought and enables us to be a healing influence for good.

A message of love

Mohammed Salem/Reuters
Palestinian athlete Ahmed Abu Hasira demonstrates his parkour skills during a lockdown amid the pandemic in Gaza City Sept. 8, 2020.
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Karen Norris. )

A look ahead

Thank you for joining us. Please come back tomorrow when Howard LaFranchi looks at the question: What happens when the quest for international justice turns its eye on the United States?

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