
Monitor Daily Podcast

May 17, 2019
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Peter Grier
Washington editor

Saturday is a cultural holiday of sorts. No, it isn’t Memorial Day weekend in the United States already. May 18 is International Museum Day, set by the International Council of Museums to celebrate museums as lively cultural centers for their communities.

Institutions around the globe are celebrating with special events and admissions. Entry into the Philadelphia Art Museum will be free, for instance. All museums in Cairo will be free as well. The Museum of Modern Art Dubrovnik in Croatia will host an art workshop for children.

But on International Museum Day we might also reflect on the struggles of some nations to retrieve and display their own artifacts – their own story – to their own people. 

In Africa, efforts to repatriate art stolen or looted during the age of colonialism continues. The Monitor recently wrote on this subject in a story on Nigeria’s claim to Benin bronze reliefs displayed in the British Museum.

Iraq continues to search for antiquities looted from its national museum during the chaos of the U.S.-led 2003 invasion. Hundreds have been returned, but hundreds more are still missing. 

As recent fires at the National Museum of Brazil and Notre Dame have reminded us, the world’s cultural institutions are more than repositories for historical artifacts. They serve as bridges between our past and the present. To ensure that role continues well into the future, museums everywhere are reinventing themselves for modern audiences, becoming more interactive, adaptable, and community oriented.

Now on to our five stories for the day, which range from an apparent disconnect within the Trump administration on policy toward Iran to an elderly rice seller’s unique window into the changes of modern Japan.

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Today’s stories

And why we wrote them

Looking past Roe

How abortion shapes U.S. politics
Ann Hermes/Staff
Southeastern Louisiana University freshman Taylor Gautreaux poses at the Catholic student center on April 5 in Hammond, Louisiana. Ms. Gautreaux does sidewalk counseling outside of abortion clinics and is active with Louisiana Right to Life.

In Louisiana, antiabortion activists say they emphasize the well-being of the woman as well as the fetus, an approach they claim has reaped dividends, as the state passes more restrictions. Part Three in a series (read Parts One and Two here).

Leah Millis/Reuters
White House national security adviser John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, President Donald Trump, and the acting White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, attend the second North Korea-U.S. summit in Hanoi, Vietnam, Feb. 28.

If it’s important for global adversaries to understand the language of diplomacy, a leader’s closest advisers also should agree on what to say. Recently, President Trump and his national security team seem out of step.

Chris O'Meara/AP
Coral Nichols thought she was going to get her voting rights back after Floridians voted to restore voting rights to most felons. This week, the governor is signing a law making paying all fees and fines a mandatory condition of being able to vote. Ms. Nichols is still paying off $190,000.

What does it mean to complete a sentence for a crime? That definition lies at the heart of a change in Florida that means about 500,000 people will not see their voting rights restored.

Fending off the ravages of climate change in Spain’s farmland may turn on how well its farmers can adopt new techniques that help restore their environment’s life-giving capacities.

Sometimes you stumble across a single place, or person, whose story tells a much larger one. That’s the case with this tiny Shinjuku rice shop, as its owner tries to weather change and keep true to a time-honored trade.

The Monitor's View

North Korea's Kaepoong town is seen from an observatory in Paju, South Korea. North Korea is suffering its worst drought in nearly four decades.

For a young leader – with a nuclear arsenal at the ready – North Korea’s Kim Jong Un has enjoyed the high prestige of meeting an American president twice in the past year, not to mention summits with the heads of Russia, China, and South Korea. Defiant of global sanctions and determined to display his power, he continues to test ballistic missiles and defy demands to denuclearize.

Despite all this strutting on the world stage, however, Mr. Kim has a new problem. The United Nations estimates 40% of North Koreans will suffer severe food shortages in coming months, a result mainly of bad weather as well as too much spending on armaments. The last time North Korea saw mass famine was in the mid-1990s. Hundreds of thousands of people died. And the Kim family regime had to allow unofficial food markets to take root in a strict socialist economy that is one of the poorest in the world.

This time, Mr. Kim must decide whether to accept the food aid. The regime admits that annual precipitation has been at its lowest since 1982. Food production is also at a 10-year low and could fall another 12% this year. The government has reduced food rations to extremely low levels.

Despite the crisis, North Korea criticizes plans by South Korean President Moon Jae-in to provide $8 million in food aid. The aid is being considered by Seoul out of humanitarian concerns but also to nudge the North toward concessions on denuclearization. The United States says it does not oppose such aid as long as it is distributed to people in need rather than the North Korean military.

In the end, Mr. Kim will probably accept the aid, as the regime has done in the past, both for its own survival and in hopes it might lead to an easing of economic sanctions by the U.S. The last time that South Korea provided food assistance was nine years ago.

Under international sanctions, such aid is allowed, and for good reason. Not only is it necessary to keep innocent people alive, it is part of Mr. Moon’s strategy of making “small steps” toward trust-building between the two countries.

The South’s generosity serves as a strong counterpoint to the North’s many provocations. Food aid sends a message of unity between the two Korean people. It highlights the universal desire to protect the innocent despite political differences.

It also points out the contradiction between the regime’s claim to greatness and the reality of everyday life for North Koreans. The people there cannot eat nuclear weapons. But they can be sustained by South Korean compassion.  

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

Here’s a poem pointing to everyone’s innate ability to express God’s light and love. The title refers to Jesus’ teaching about focusing on others’ “motes” – that is, judging them for their smaller faults – even as we ignore the much larger “beams,” or flaws, impacting our own ability to see clearly.

A message of love

Jenna Schoenefeld
From sunrise to sunset in Agirigiroi, a village of about 1,500 people in Uganda, villagers attend to daily chores, cook meals, and take occasional breaks. During the unbearable heat of the dry season, children are frequently called on to fetch water from wells, a dangerous chore that prevents many of them from attending school. And the water itself may be unsafe to drink. MissionCleanWater, a nonprofit based in the United States, raised funds and worked with the Erika Drilling project team to dig a borehole and bring safe access to fresh water to Agirigiroi. The result was an abundance of clean, potable water – 27 times as much water as anticipated.
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Jacob Turcotte. )

A look ahead

Thanks for spending time with us today. Come back Monday, when we’ll look at the shifting role of the car in American life.

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