
Monitor Daily Podcast

April 13, 2018
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Clayton Collins
Director of Editorial Innovation

Another week brought more questions about power.

Does a Facebook executive have too much of it? Do striking teachers have enough of it to win concessions? Might the United States project it militarily in Syria (even as China flexes with a vast flotilla in the South China Sea)? [Update: After airstrikes Friday night, coordinated with Britain and France, the US hinted at further action if warranted.]

We can put faces to those stories. But a murkier power story saw some developments this week, too.

Fully two-thirds of tweets shared to popular websites were found by a Pew Research Center report to have been directed by “bots” roaming without human input, changing conversations. Such rules-based bots are supported by a kind of artificial intelligence that lets them understand words in context. They’re a bridge to more formidable forms of AI – and to a deeper set of questions about ethics and limits.

Facebook’s chief executive said this week that a huge AI presence would police its future content.

But the potential for AI’s broader use – including in warfare, policing, and other public-sector purposes – has observers clamoring for assessment and monitoring. (This week also happened to greet the world’s most valuable AI start-up, a $3 billion Chinese firm that specializes in analyzing faces and other images.)

AI gets launched by human actors. Wedded to political authority, does it begin to wield a power that defies control?

“If governments deploy systems on human populations without frameworks for accountability, they risk losing touch with how decisions have been made,” declares a report from a nonprofit called AINow, which tracks the technology’s social impact, “thus rendering them unable to [detect] or respond to bias, errors, or other problems.”

Now to our five stories for your Friday, including protecting due process in Washington, changing young lives in Oklahoma, and pursuing justice without fear in Brazil.

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Today’s stories

And why we wrote them

It’s kind of a moment for Congress. Expressing belief in the importance of a deliberate pursuit of truth might reassure the public that integrity and order, democracy’s stabilizers, are intact.

Britta Pedersen/picture-alliance/dpa/AP
Politicians, activists, and citizens break down a wall made of styrofoam blocks on which 'hate speech' is written in Berlin’s Gendarmenmarkt square September. The relief organization Care has begun a nationwide campaign against hate and agitation.

Fighting intolerance can’t mean squelching discussion or dissent. This piece explores how a push to crack down on virulent hate speech has Germany bumping up against free expression.

Special Report

Ann Hermes/Staff
Before heading into work, Alexis Stephens drops off her daughter Addison at Educare, an early childhood education facility for low-income families in Tulsa, Okla. Heavy investment in the city’s public and private social service, including Educare, has come from the George Kaiser Family Foundation.

George Kaiser is a bighearted man with a big idea: that a leveling of early advantages can put children on course to overcome what can seem to be assigned life outcomes. Over the next year, we'll be following this Oklahoma story closely, through the stories of three families. 

So often, a bid to silence strong pro-justice sentiment ends up amplifying it instead. Intimidation is meeting with determination in Brazil a month after the killing of Marielle Franco, who had dared to oppose the violent policing of Rio’s favelas.


The political book that’s been creating so much buzz is the latest in a long line of revealing works by (and about) powerful D.C. figures. Here’s a look at a controversial genre that can often get beyond "color" to deliver real insight.

The Monitor's View

AP Photo
A worker prepares election banners in Baghdad, Iraq. Nearly 7,000 candidates eager to shape the country's future have begun campaigning for 329 seats in the May 12 parliamentary elections.

As Western leaders debate when to strike Syria over its use of chemical weapons and wonder if Iran deserves more sanctions against its nuclear threat, they may be missing a peaceful counternarrative in the Middle East – one that still needs support.

Oddly enough, Iraq, the country that lies between Iran and Syria, is about to hold free national elections on May 12. And what really stands out is that the vote has become a showcase for Iraq’s steady progress in overcoming religious and ethnic divides since the 2003 American invasion.

Official campaigning for the election of a new parliament kicks off April 14. But even before that, a covert attempt by Iran to corral Iraq’s majority Shiite community into a strictly sectarian political coalition – one that would exclude minority Sunnis and Kurds – has failed. Leading Shiite figures, such as Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, are running on platforms that emphasize national unity and a struggle against endemic corruption.

A public mood to reinforce an Iraqi identity over the country’s normal fault lines is easy to understand. Last year, the nation’s military triumphed over Islamic State militants who had taken over a third of the country in 2014. Also last year, a vote in the Kurdish region for independence failed. Young people are fed up with corruption, forcing politicians to claim they can curb it. And the country has enjoyed unusual economic growth and a greater flow of abundant oil exports.

In a clear sign of democratic health, nearly 7,000 candidates are running for 329 seats. Many candidates reflect a popular resentment against Iran’s meddling in Iraq, which is driven by Tehran’s desire for a land bridge through Syria and to the coast of Lebanon.

At a deeper level, many Iraqis accept the ideas of a leading Shiite theologian, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, who disagrees with Iran’s model of governance. A cleric himself, he says clerics should not run secular affairs, especially in a diverse society where citizens are treated equally.

Iraq is still hardly a model democracy after nearly 15 years of elections. The political haggling after this vote may be difficult. One underlying issue: whether a new government will demand American forces to leave. Such a request is unlikely, as the United States still provides massive aid to Iraq.

Still, with a Middle East so unsettled by religion-based rivalries, Iraq’s small steps in forming an inclusive identity need to be welcomed.

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

Today’s column considers where true strength lies.

A message of love

Stephane Mahe/Reuters
A hen crossed the road as protesters stood by a barricade near Nantes, France, April 13. The government’s clearing of a squatters’ camp there, at the site of an abandoned airport, had touched off clashes. A number of mostly unconnected strikes and protests have flared in France – at the national railroad over job guarantees, at Air France over pay, and among students and retirees over application processes and pension deductions, respectively. This year's protest season coincides with the run-up to the 50th anniversary of the widespread uprisings of May 1968.
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Jacob Turcotte. )

A look ahead

Thanks, as always, for being here. We’re building our lineups for next week. Come back Monday for Ned Temko’s take on why the world must refuse to let “a new barbarianism” – the deliberate targeting of civilians and even medical personnel – become the new normal in conflict zones. After that, we’ll have Taylor Luck’s look at democracy’s success, despite growing pains, in Tunisia.

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