The Justice Department appears to be treading very carefully as it investigates President Trump’s lawyer. It must know that every legal step taken will be examined for integrity and fairness.
In a moment, we’ll get to the FBI raid on offices of President Trump’s lawyer. But first, a portrait of grace.
Three weeks ago, California Highway Patrol Sgt. Ron Wade was the lone black cop standing in the blue line confronting a crowd protesting the Sacramento police shooting of Stephon Clark.
The protesters focused their verbal abuse on the CHP officer. “Uncle Tom” they screamed in his face. And worse.
Wade was outwardly stoic. His police training helped. But inwardly, he later told The Sacramento Bee, he was, like the protesters, angry, frustrated, and hurt.
Then he remembered: “Words are just words.” That’s what his dad told him as a kid, when Wade was called racial slurs and got into fights at school.
As the media left and the crowd thinned, Wade swallowed the hurt and quietly spoke to a young man who said he was a relative of Mr. Clark. Wade asked him to call him to talk, to really talk. “People are standing in front of you crying and they are really upset,” Wade told the Bee. “You can’t demean it and you can’t question it. You have to be compassionate.”
Later, Wade called his dad to thank him for his wisdom. “It allowed me to stand there and to be receptive,” said Wade. “To hear what they had to say.”
Now to our five selected stories, including the drive for integrity in government in Brazil, the push for equitable pay in Britain and the US, and Britain’s Labour Party coming to terms with anti-Semitic bias.