
Monitor Daily Podcast

March 01, 2018
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Pretty much everything about the Nowzad "Conrad Lewis" animal clinic and shelter in Kabul, Afghanistan, is a miracle.

The mere existence of an animal shelter is a curiosity in Afghanistan, where animal welfare is often a low or nonexistent priority.

Funded entirely by contributions, the Nowzad clinic offers veterinary services and also takes in stray and injured dogs, cats, donkeys, and other animals.

But what may be the most unusual thing of all about the clinic is that it is run by three 20-something Afghan women, all trained veterinarians. Their ultimate goal, they say, is to change views in their country about both animal welfare and gender equality.

A special service the Nowzad clinic offers is to help foreign soldiers who have fallen in love with stray dogs and cats ship those animals home. According to the group’s website, it has assisted in the rescue of more than 900 animals from war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Kuwait, and Libya, and has successfully reunited them with soldiers in their homes in the United States, Europe, Australia, and South Africa.

But now they’ve moved on to a new project as well: turning street dogs rescued from war zones into service dogs to help vets with PTSD. The fact that the dogs, too, have endured conflict heightens the bond the soldiers feel with them, they say. Seven of their rescued service dogs are now at work in the US.

“We hope that this is only the beginning!” the group says on its website.

Now, here are our five stories for today.

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Today’s stories

And why we wrote them

On Wednesday, President Trump stepped forward and seemed ready to take charge of the debate over gun control. But some legislators worry: Are they being manipulated like characters in a "Peanuts" comic strip?

Gun issue opens window on CEOs’ shifts on politics of social issues

In the wake of the Feb. 14 school shooting in Florida, some prominent companies have backed away from support for the National Rifle Association. The response highlights a trend of CEOs engaging – willingly or grudgingly – on social issues.


Media-General, Associated Press, Gallup, J. Walter Thompson survey October 2016, ThinkProgress.org

Jacob Turcotte, Mark Trumbull, Laurent Belsie/Staff

Will Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be indicted on corruption charges? As Israelis wait for an answer from their attorney general, Mr. Netanyahu has announced plans to stay in office no matter what. This piece looks at why he just might succeed.

Until very recently, many ambitious young Indians felt that there was little choice when it came to college. If they wanted a world-class career, they believed, they needed to study in the US. But now, suddenly, their own schools are looking much more attractive.

Vanessa Schatz/Courtesy of Science Galaxy
The annual Girls & Science Event at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science (shown here in March 2017) is facilitated by groups like Boulder-based Science Galaxy. Researchers and others are hoping to guide parents on how to talk about science at home, suggesting activities such as observing nature and discussing it.

Many parents are not comfortable doing science-related activities with their children, a new study reveals. Some educators are doing their best to turn that trend around.

The Monitor's View

Travis Long/The News & Observer via AP
More than 2,000 students walked out of Green Hope High School in Cary, N.C. on Feb. 28, 2018 calling for political change to try to end school gun violence following the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

During two mass events in March, the news media will be shining a spotlight on the next generation of Americans, or the 70 million teenagers who have been dubbed Generation Z. Be prepared to see what drives the “Gen Zers.”

On March 14, millions of teens are expected to follow the call of students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., and walk out of their classrooms at 10 a.m. for 17 minutes, one minute for each of the people killed on Feb. 14 at the school. Such an act of empathy is exactly the value taught to this generation, as today’s teens often express a desire to volunteer.

On March 24, the Parkland teens have called for young people to gather in Washington and other cities and demand tougher gun laws. This is a generation, after all, that grew up with easy access to information on a smartphone and that is accustomed to efficient and quick solutions in the Digital Age. It is also a generation that seeks “safe spaces,” according to pollsters, whether that safety is sought in a school or in not being afraid of harassment and harsh judgment.

These two events, led by the remarkable teen leaders at Parkland, will be the first large-scale glimpse of this age group, which is the most ethnically diverse in US history. Some of their habits already mark them. Pollsters, for example, find Gen Zers are the first who prefer to take a smartphone to bed. They mostly expect to work for themselves someday. They are also the first to know instinctively how to brand themselves on social media, as many Parkland students have done.

Yet there is one stereotype of Gen Zers that the two events could defy. According to a poll by the nonprofit Barna Group, only 34 percent of teens strongly believe that lying is morally wrong – far fewer than in recent generations. And a strong minority do not believe there can be a consensus on truth. What’s true for someone else, they say, may not be “true for me.”

Leading a public cause and getting results, however, requires a commitment to truth and truth-telling. Perhaps in these protests, Gen Zers can show such a commitment – and that each generation should not be neatly categorized or believe any false claim made about them.

Only two or three times in American history have children been on the frontlines of social change. The Parkland shooting has galvanized Gen Z, perhaps becoming the singular incident that defines them, as 9/11 did for Gen Y and the Kennedy assassination did for boomers. The members of Gen Z are now enraged at the reasons for this killing. But they are also engaged in creating solutions. That’s a truth they can hold onto together, one that could be the mark they leave on history.

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

Today’s column explores how understanding sickness to be a false report about what we truly are as God’s spiritual and whole creation brings healing.

A message of love

Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP
Journalists watch as Russian President Vladimir Putin gives his annual state of the nation address in Moscow March 1. Mr. Putin set a slew of ambitious economic goals, vowing to boost living standards, improve health care and education, and build modern infrastructure in a state of the nation address. He also boasted of Russia’s having tested powerful new nuclear weapons systems.
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Karen Norris, with apologies to Charles Schultz. )

A look ahead

Thanks for joining us. Come back tomorrow. We’re working on a story from Congo about the Catholic Church’s leading role in pressing an embattled president to step down – a bold political stance that might be surprising elsewhere in the world, but that isn’t to most Congolese today. 

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