Game of Thrones: 12 burning questions as Season Two ends

I absolutely never intended to become a "Game of Thrones" fan. I thought I'd just satisfy my curiosity about the HBO series taken from George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels by watching one episode. Who was I kidding? Twenty episodes later, here I am, already missing Season Two and settling anxiously into the long (how long? sometime in early 2013?) wait for Season Three. In the meantime, here are 12 questions that I'm going to be wondering about for months to come. (If you haven't finished Season Two yet, beware – spoilers follow.)

1. Is Tyrion Lannister finished?

As bad as things are looking for Tyrion Lannister at the end of Season Two, it doesn't make sense that so great a character would be pushed out of the story so early. And yet – look what happened to Ned Stark.

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