10 sequels based on a classic book

10 authors who wrote a novel based in another author's literary world.

9. '60 Years Later,' John David California

A novel by Fredrik Colting (a Swedish writer who wrote under the pseudonym John David California) was the subject of a legendary literary court case when author J.D. Salinger sued Colting for his book "60 Years Later: Coming Through the Rye," which was first published in 2009. The book follows a man named "Mr. C" (which seems to be Salinger's "Catcher in the the Rye" protagonist Holden Caulfield) as he escapes from a nursing home. A judge in the United States said the book was too close to "Catcher in the Rye," and currently it is banned from being sold in the US or Canda (though it is available in the United Kingdom and other countries). In addition, the judge ruled that neither Colting nor anyone who publishes the book can mention "Catcher in the Rye" in connection to the book.

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