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Monitor articles for October 07, 2020
- A jungle has developed in my digital library
- First LookTwo scientists win Nobel chemistry prize for gene-editing tool
- First LookPandemic forces US and UK movie theater chain to stay shut
- First LookIn the work-from-home era, who pays for coffee and toilet paper?
- First LookLawmakers call for breakup of Big Tech, citing abuse of power
- First LookThousands of students, workers protest Indonesia labor law
- In the Trump economy, echoes of Hoover and Carter?
- Refugees find welcome, warmth at German hearth
- Make an October date with Eleanor Roosevelt, Cary Grant, Sylvia Plath
- A Christian Science PerspectiveResponding, not reacting, to hostility
- Politics WatchThe four-year shadow of Nov. 8, 2016
- First Look3,000 years later, Tasmanian devils back on Australian mainland
- The Explainer‘Packing the court’ and partisan politics: Three questions
- Trust your drill sergeant? Army takes new approach to basic training.
- Podcast: The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily
- The Monitor's ViewConcern for the election, diligence from voters