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Monitor articles for April 17, 2019
- 20 years after Columbine: one parent’s reflection
- The ExplainerShould the census ask about citizenship? Supreme Court to weigh in.
- Aw shucks! Can oysters clean up New York’s harbor?
- First LookIndonesia's Widodo eyes election victory, despite objections
- First LookNYC, largest fur market in country, considers ban on fur sales
- First LookAmericans say schools are less safe since Columbine, despite data
- The Monitor's ViewA planeload of truth lands in Venezuela
- How to defy apartheid? For journalist Juby Mayet, with pen in hand.
- Tangle of church and state roils Ukraine’s Orthodox parishes
- A Christian Science PerspectiveIf you’re tempted to cheat
- Podcast: The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - The Christian Science Monitor Daily
- In Jordan, a place for animals to forget the trauma of war