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Monitor articles for August 30, 2018
- Meanwhile in ... Kabul, Afghanistan, women are training to run ultramarathons
- Lost in the Russia scandal maze? Read your way out.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveHow about purple?
- In a WordRemembrance of all things smelly
- First LookIn Arizona primary, human error proves more problematic than hackers
- With new negotiations, South Sudanese warily hope for a 'peace' they can see
- The Monitor's ViewTackle the rush to sports gambling
- Podcast: The Christian Science Monitor Daily Podcast August 30, 2018 – The Christian Science Monitor Daily
- In Mass., a primary fight probes the importance of ideology vs. identity
- First LookPipe dream or reality? Mexico looks to harness waves for green energy
- Endless summer? More Canadians embrace a getaway lifestyle.
- Can arming doctors with data help reduce gun violence?
- First LookDeVos to roll out new rules for college sexual misconduct cases
- First LookRoberta McCain, now 106, 'a force of nature'
- First LookAging cocoa trees provide opportunity for agricultural reform in Ghana
- First LookCops are rarely convicted. Here's why an ex-Texas cop just was.