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Monitor articles for July 28, 2013
- Tropical storm Flossie weakens as approaches Hawaii
- Amanda Berry surprise appearance onstage a step toward 'normal life'
- In Egypt, love for Sisi overshadows protester deaths
- Anthony Weiner on ropes: more questions and Clintons want him out
- Cover StoryIn Egypt, journey down a Nile of discontent
- The Monitor's ViewAfter Zimbabwe election, Mugabe needs a way out
- Afghan TV show brings officials face-to-face with ordinary people
- Qatar learns money buys cooperation only within its own borders
- After crash, Spanish officials defend lucrative train industry
- Can Muslims write about Christianity?
- How would you spend a windfall?
- CommentaryTolerance: The Nile's age-old lesson
- Ancient Timbuktu votes today amid need for healing, mud-plastering