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Monitor articles for July 26, 2013
- Robert Mugabe starts to send chilling signals ahead of Zimbabwe vote
- Returned pet dogs find love a second, third, fourth time
- Risky game as Islamist party finds its footing with Egypt's military
- A Christian Science PerspectiveJoy at the birth
- Egypt: Accusations against Morsi could fuel Friday's protests
- Difference MakerDallas Jessup made 'Just Yell Fire' to teach young women to defend themselves
- 37 miles of 'Hola Lola': Memories of a family road trip
- Top Picks: 'The Writers' Room' on the Sundance Channel, the YouVersion Bible app, and more
- Gulf oil spill: Halliburton to plead guilty to destroying spill evidence
- Could Alaska end tax breaks for Big Oil?
- Will actress Rosamund Pike star in 'Gone Girl'?
- Ariel Castro accepts plea that spares his life – and his kidnapping victims
- 'American Idol' sued by 10 black contestants alleging racism
- Personal finance lessons from the Detroit bankruptcy
- Young Cambodians take to the streets ahead of Sunday's election
- 'Blue Jasmine,' Woody Allen's sister saga, sends up the 1 percenters
- 10 excellent international thrillers
- 'Blood and Beauty' brings readers more of the Borgias
- Scientists implant false memories in mice
- Political assassination unsettles fragile Tunisian democracy
- Ruth Ginsburg: Push for voter ID laws predictable
- Private equity investor? Higher taxes may be looming.
- Spanish train crash turns celebratory holidays into period of mourning
- China's ruling party tells officials to quit it with the Versailles-like construction
- Cory Monteith is subject of memorial with 'Glee' cast
- Bradley Manning trial: Leakers Julian Assange and Daniel Ellsberg weigh in
- Tropical Storm Dorian weakens as it heads toward Cuba
- Obamacare contraception: Could religious exemption be headed to Supreme Court?
- Why Anthony Weiner might stay in New York mayor's race
- Whitey Bulger prosecution rests: What does case add up to?
- Stocks eke out small gains on mixed earnings
- Overweight people stressed by being called fat will eat more, study says
- Chevy Impala 2014: Can it overcome its ho-hum past?
- Zeroing in on the zero option for Afghanistan
- This Town
- Reader recommendation: Sparta
- In Egypt's public squares, dueling definitions of democracy
- Chris Christie-Rand Paul tiff on foreign policy reflects deep rift in GOP
- Pope calls for social change in Brazil but are politicians listening?
- Soriano trade to Yankees: Bronx Bombers need some pop for playoff push
- Russians shopping up a storm in Poland, thanks to visa-free travel
- Snowden's future cloudy as FSB and FBI meet about his status
- Tropical storm Dorian: Will it fall apart or head for Puerto Rico?
- Zynga stock drops after gambling plans fizzle
- A Tahrir protester, then and now
- 'The Act of Killing' has a repellant film conceit
- On the road in Texas, where oil is king again
- 'The Wolverine' makes its hero more interesting than in past installments
- Decoding Xi Jinping's 'China Dream'
- In Uganda, better nutrition through school gardens
- As protests roil Egypt's streets, US has few good policy options
- 'Parapalooza' YouTube channel features people reading from their favorite titles
- Good Reads: From women senators, to Appalachia’s woes, to a shadow war
- Crushed bugs in Dannon yogurt the tip of the odd food ingredient iceberg
- Zimmerman Trial Juror B-29: Not enough proof to convict, Zimmerman 'got away with murder'
- Palestinians yearn for the corporate life
- Southern baked shelly beans
- Lincoln Memorial vandalized with green paint
- What is a space 'Centaur'? Scientists now know the answer
- Can entrepreneurs make good managers?
- O.J. Simpson expresses regret, waits for Nev. parole decision
- Global ViewpointSnooping vs. privacy – lessons for an age of transparency
- Mali has war in January, elections in July. Is this too much?
- The Zimbabwean election by the numbers
- Facebook is profitable, despite what you hear
- Pope's vigorous pace in Brazil leaves his staff 'destroyed'