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Monitor articles for July 14, 2008
- Venezuela's Chávez softens stance
- In gritty Karachi, husband-wife team saves unwanted babies
- U.S. and Iraq near a 'bridge' deal on status of U.S. troops
- My favorite fast squash recipe
- 'Empires of the Sea'
- Can you outsource this? The brainy copy editor behind the headlines
- No cash? Eat up, then clean up.
- 'Birth dearth' worries pale in comparison to overpopulation
- Financial Q&A: Jumping from one annuity to another can prove costly
- Should ethical investors dip into water stocks?
- Why most boomers can expect to inherit little
- Mortgage giants falter
- Companies embrace praise
- Letters to the Editor
- EPA: Your life is now worth 11 percent less
- Make your own gas station sign
- Toyota to build Prius in US, scale back truck production
- Solar probe+ visits sun
- Solar panels for your car
- Reporters on the Job
- Etc.
- One woman leads a crusade to cleanup cycling in Germany
- Deadly U.S. Army outpost assault in Afghanistan underscores growing threat
- 'I'm joining the military' shouldn't be a jaw-dropper
- Energy-addicted U.S. can learn a lot from Europe
- Keep those veggies coming
- The promise of wild berries
- Waiting may be hard, but it's filled with possibilities
- Bright spots in the dust
- Mom turns up in the world's messiest places
- Learning to live globally
- World
- Obama, McCain court rising Latino vote
- Senate approves aid package for troubled mortgageholders
- Obama, McCain court rising Latino vote
- Downsize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
- Sudan to ICC: Darfur violence may increase if you indict President Bashir