How do Muslims view women's rights?

Many Muslims believe that women should have the right to vote and to hold any job outside the home that they qualify for.

SOURCE: Gallup Poll of the Muslim World/Rich Clabaugh–STAFF

•Majorities in most countries believe that women should have the same legal rights as men: They should have the right to vote, to hold any job outside the home that they qualify for, and to hold leadership positions at the cabinet and national council levels (see chart, below).

•Majorities of men in virtually every country (including 62 percent in Saudi Arabia, 73 percent in Iran, and 81 percent in Indonesia) agree that women should be able to work at any job they qualify for.

•In Saudi Arabia, where women cannot vote, 58 percent of men say women should be able to vote.

•While Muslim women favor gender parity, they do not endorse wholesale adoption of Western values.

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