Meanwhile in ... the Maldives, thousands of applicants overwhelmed a bookstore looking to hire
The Maldives, thousands of applicants from around the world have overwhelmed a bookstore looking to hire. Philip Blackwell, founder of the 15-employee Ultimate Library bookstore, was stunned when applicants including a member of the White House press corps, a German viscount, a Syrian refugee, a juggler, and a multitude of others responded within a week to his ad for a bookseller at a luxury resort on this island nation. Mr. Blackwell told that he has narrowed his search down to
15 candidates.
Latvia, the government has launched a pilot program to persuade emigrating families to return to Latvia. Different from other European countries concerned about the arrival of too many immigrants, Latvia has been hoping to persuade families who have emigrated to return. So far, encouraged by government outreach, 64 families have returned to the country this year. Among other benefits, these families have been offered Latvian language tutoring for their children, help in re-registering foreign businesses, and recognition of foreign diplomas.
Mexico City, Starbucks is opening its first cafe to be staffed exclusively by workers age 55 or older. The initiative is part of a partnership between Starbucks and the National Institute for the Elderly intended to promote job opportunities for seniors, Bustle reported. In Mexico, 10 percent of the population is estimated to be 55 and older. The new Starbucks unit located in the Colonia del Valle neighborhood of Mexico City will operate like all other Starbucks with a few exceptions: All employees at the Colonia del Valle cafe will have medical benefits and will be prohibited from working more than five days a week and 6-1/2 hours a day.