Rick Osentoski/AP
New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady gestures on the field during the Nov. 25 game against the Detroit Lions.
For many years, the National Football League has given the Wonderlic aptitude test to rookie players. The test has 50 questions with a 12-minute time limit. Put three minutes on the clock and try our shortened version of the test, created with sample questions from ESPN.com and testprepreview.com. Multiply the number of right answers you get by 3.85 to compare with full test results. Can you do better than NFL quarterbacks Aaron Rodgers (35) or Tom Brady (33) or Peyton Manning (28)? How about Colin Kaepernick (37) or Joe Flacco (27)? The average NFL quarterback scores 24 on the test, according Paul Zimmerman, author of "The New Thinking Man's Guide to Pro Football."
8 points |
12 points |
9 points |
6 points |
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