How Gov. Bobby Jindal thinks health-care reform should work
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal also serves as vice chairman of the Republican Governors Association and is considering a run for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. He spoke at the April 2 Monitor Breakfast.
His view of President Obama's Affordable Care Act:
"This is a flawed law. It is causing over 2.3 million fewer people to participate in the workforce. It is not decreasing health-care costs, not decreasing premiums."
The 26-page plan he unveiled at the breakfast to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with a more state-focused approach:
"This conservative health-care plan puts the patient, not government and insurance bureaucrats, in control. And that is really the most fundamental question: Who do you want to be in control?"
His role in 2016 presidential politics:
"It is no secret it's something I am thinking about. But right now I am focused on winning the war of ideas and also focused on winning these [governors'] elections in 2014."
His prescription for immigration reform:
"Right now we have got low walls and a narrow gate and ... that is the exact opposite of what we need.... A conservative approach [to immigration] would take the opposite approach of high walls and a broad gate."
Why he prefers presidential candidates who have been governors:
"I am absolutely biased toward governors ... folks that have run things, I think, are in a better position to be president of the United States."