On June 30, 2013, Governor Kasich (R) signed into law new restrictions on abortion. They include:
• A requirement that abortion clinics have a transfer agreement with a local hospital, but public hospitals are off limits. Many private hospitals have a religious affiliation and do not permit abortions.
• External ultrasound before an abortion is performed. If a fetal heartbeat is found, the doctor must inform the woman and provide information on family planning and adoption services. The doctor must also describe the physical characteristics of the fetus.
• Redefinition of fetus as “developing from the moment of conception,” rather than its implantation in the uterus.
• A requirement that the doctor tell the woman the likelihood that the fetus would survive to full term.
• Effective cutoff of $1.4 million in federal funds to Planned Parenthood by setting new priorities for which clinics can receive money.
• Funding for “crisis pregnancy centers,” which steer women away from abortion.