Digital age etiquette tips for Facebook faux pas and texting trip ups
Cellphone Usage
Do: Keep your phone on vibrate or silent mode in public or the workplace – no one needs to hear your cool, new "Star Wars" ring tone.
Don't: Keep your Bluetooth, oh so useful while driving, on and in your ear when not on the phone.
Social Networking Sites
Do: Use your "friending" power– and privacy settings – wisely. Be aware of who can see what. Your "sick day" will be less believable if co-workers know your status is "party's in Vegas!"
Don't: Post important information – deaths, weddings, pregnancies – instead of calling friends and family individually. This goes for breakups, too! Don't be that ex.
Text Messaging
Do: Make sure you're texting the right number. It's an easy mistake, with uncomfortable consequences.
Do: Respond to texts as you would in a face-to-face conversation; the same rules apply.
Don't: Send a text when engaged face to face with someone else. Feel free to excuse yourself if it's important – but we can totally tell you're texting behind that menu!
Don't: Use obnoxious, unclear abbreviations in work-related messages. Your co-workers are not cryptologists and will not be amused.
Sources:,,, Robert Half