Who's who on Congress's debt 'super committee'

Congress has created a special super committee to find at least $1.2 trillion in US budget cuts. If the plan is voted down, automatic spending cuts are slated to occur. Here are the 12 lawmakers named to the super committee.

8. Sen. Patty Murray (D) of Washington

Elaine Thompson/AP
Sen. Patty Murray (D) of Washington spoke at a news conference Aug. 10 after visiting Amazon.com headquarters in Seattle. Senate majority leader Harry Reid named Murray to be co-chairman of a powerful new committee tasked with crafting a bipartisan plan to slash the federal budget deficit.

Senator Murray, who is No. 4 in Democratic leadership, was tapped to co-chair the super committee at least in part because she is trusted by Senate majority leader Harry Reid.

Just as important, she does not carry the baggage on this issue that other top Democratic leaders in the Senate do – No. 2 Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois and No. 3. Sen. Charles Schumer of New York. Senator Durbin is steeped in the debt/deficit debate, first as a member of President Obama’s deficit commission (2010) and then as a member of the independent Gang of Six. But many liberals in the caucus, including Senator Reid himself, said these bipartisan efforts went too far in cutting entitlement spending. Senator Schumer, the No. 3 Democrat, is a fierce defender of Social Security and Medicare spending.

A veteran appropriator, Murray knows debt, deficit, and spending issues. As current chairwoman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee – the campaign arm of the Senate Democratic caucus – she is also in touch with the electoral challenges of a campaign cycle in which Democrats are defending 23 Senate seats.

She'll share the debt committee helm with Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R) of Texas.

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