Who's who on Congress's debt 'super committee'

Congress has created a special super committee to find at least $1.2 trillion in US budget cuts. If the plan is voted down, automatic spending cuts are slated to occur. Here are the 12 lawmakers named to the super committee.

11. Rep. Fred Upton (R) of Michigan

Charles Dharapak/AP
Rep. Fred Upton (R) of Michigan is one of 12 members of Congress who will serve on a new debt 'super committee.' Named by Speaker John Boehner to the post, Upton, shown here in January, will help to hammer out a bipartisan plan this fall to reduce the federal budget deficit by at least $1.3 trillion.

A moderate conservative, Representative Upton fought hard to convince House conservatives after the GOP takeover in 2010 that he deserve to chair the Energy and Commerce Committee. As chairman, he has sought to block or defund the rulemaking capacity of the Environmental Protection Agency, especially on issues such as regulation of greenhouse gases. Republicans call these regulations job-killing. Democrats say he’s out to crush environmental protections and is likely to use the debt panel in that bid.

Upton is also the GOP point man for blocking implementation of President Obama’s signature health-care reform law and finding ways to cut the cost of health care. Like fellow Michiganer Rep. Dave Camp, Upton refused to be drawn into Republican Study Committee efforts to pressure Speaker John Boehner to back off negotiations for a "grand bargain" with President Obama during the debt-ceiling negotiations this summer. What’s important is “avoiding a debt crisis,” he said.

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