Mitt Romney gaffes: 11 times the button-down candidate should have buttoned up

In politics, a gaffe is often described as a "truth told by accident." Mitt Romney has had relatively few of them during his time in politics, but when the former governor of Massachusetts commits one, it can be a doozy – and a distraction. Here’s a list of the most memorable.

7. ‘I’m also unemployed’

Jim Cole/AP
Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney laughs during a campaign stop at the Chez Vachon Restaurant Monday in Manchester, NH.

At a meeting with unemployed voters in Tampa, Fla., last June, Romney listened as one by one, the voters told him their tales of woe. Romney sought to lighten the mood with a little joke: “I should tell my story. I’m also unemployed.”

In a video of the exchange, it appeared that the people there got the joke. No one looked offended. Indeed, Romney hasn’t worked for money in years. He’s been running for president, and raising money for his political action committee, which he donates to Republican candidates and other GOP causes.

But that didn’t prevent Democrats from pouncing on Romney, who is worth between $190 million and $250 million, from appearing to compare himself with people who truly need a job to make ends meet.

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