Nine 'tea party' candidates who stand a good chance of winning

Here’s something both Democrats and the GOP establishment in Washington are going to have to come to terms with: Tea party candidates will win some elections this fall.

Steve Chabot

Steve Chabot

Republican Steve Chabot used to represent Ohio’s First District in Congress until he was unseated by incumbent Rep. Steve Driehaus (D) in 2008.

Now he’s trying for a comeback with tea party support. The conservative Mr. Chabot has been a key speaker at local tea party events, to the point where his opponent is trying to use that against him, running ads that say Chabot “won’t stand up to the tea party.” But Chabot, in turn, is hammering Representative Driehaus on his support for President Obama’s health-care reform legislation.

Right now this generally conservative district of western Cincinnati and its suburbs is leaning toward re-employing Chabot this fall.

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