Nine 'tea party' candidates who stand a good chance of winning

Here’s something both Democrats and the GOP establishment in Washington are going to have to come to terms with: Tea party candidates will win some elections this fall.

Joe Miller

Bill Roth/Anchorage Daily News/AP
Joe Miller

Fairbanks attorney Joe Miller’s shock upset of incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski in Alaska’s GOP Senate primary was a big national news story. Alaska is a safe Republican state, so at the time it seemed likely that Mr. Miller would cruise to victory.

But a funny thing happened to him on the way to Washington – Ms. Murkowski decided to run anyway, via a write-in campaign.

Miller, normally a telegenic presence, stumbled somewhat in trying to explain his small government philosophy to a state that’s still dependent on federal subsidies. Polls now show the race even: about 35 percent for Miller, 34 percent for Murkowski, and 27 percent for Democrat Scott McAdams.

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