FIXcast: The Next Generation of Nuclear Energy
Five years ago, one of the largest nuclear disasters occurred at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, causing devastating damage to the surrounding area. While the disaster was largely initiated by an earthquake-triggered tsunami, the incident pushed the risk and safety associated with nuclear energy into the limelight. After Fukushima, it raised the question: Are the risks of producing nuclear energy worth the benefits?
As we look at development in the nuclear sector over the last five years, there are certain signs of progress that are beginning to break through the fear and provide glimpses into the industry's potential. A new generation of young, motivated nuclear engineers is addressing the industry's biggest roadblocks—and developing technology that could lead to safer, more efficient nuclear energy and a carbon-free world.
In the latest episode from "FIXcast," the Monitor's podcast on progress, staff Samantha Laine and David Unger discuss the pros and cons of nuclear energy and its current state of development. They are joined by Josh Freed of the DC-based think tank Third Way and Ashley Finan of Clean Air Task Force in Cambridge to discuss the biggest challenges surrounding nuclear energy – as well as the innovation that brings nuclear energy into a promising new light.
Click here to listen to the podcast on iTunes.
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