This 1991 action blockbuster directed by James Cameron continues the story of Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) and her son John (Edward Furlong), previously terrorized by a German-accented time-traveling robot bent on killing the future savior of mankind while he is still a child. The film begins with Sarah confined to a mental institution and John facing down an upgraded Terminator robot called T-1000 (Robert Patrick).
To vanquish this dangerous threat, the previous film's villain, the Terminator T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger), is sent back through time by an older John to battle the nearly indestructible T-1000. One of the most compelling parts of the movie is the way it humanizes the T-800, who becomes a father figure to young John Connor. And, predictably, the face-offs between two powerful robots are mesmerizing.
According to Entertainment Weekly, Hamilton's identical twin, Leslie Gearren, portrays a cyborg Sarah Connor in the film.