Scarlett Johansson in 'Under the Skin': The film about an alien is boring
A movie called “Under the Skin” starring Scarlett Johansson ought to be a lot less boring than this one. Director Jonathan Glazer, who made the far superior “Sexy Beast,” wades waist-deep in existential goo in this (sort of) sci-fi story about an extraterrestrial (Johansson) who prowls the streets of rural Scotland looking to lure clueless men into oblivion. Each man ends up in her lair, a kind of nouveau black-on-black dungeon that swallows up the poor guys without her ever laying a hand on them.
It’s admirable that Johansson should be so willing to go off the Hollywood grid, but the truth is, “Under the Skin” would have been a lot better if it wasn’t so excruciatingly arty. If you’re looking for a new Scarlett Johansson movie to see this weekend, see “Captain America” instead. At least she’s playing a terrestrial in that one. (And if you won’t feel cheated seeing Johansson in a movie in which only her voice makes an appearance, catch up with “Her,” where she plays a computer operating system.) Grade: D+ (Rated R for graphic nudity, sexual content, some violence and language.)