Jeff Bridges stars in 'Tron: Legacy': movie review
Back in 1982, Jeff Bridges appeared in “Tron,” one of the first CGI movies – its only distinction. Now that CGI movies are coming at us from all sides, the sequel, “Tron: Legacy,” mostly in 3-D, ought to have been state of the art.
But there’s not a whole lot of artistry to be found in this movie about a scion (Garrett Hedlund) who seeks out his long-missing genius-inventor father (Bridges) inside a vast computer grid. The creepola effects made me feel as if I was trapped inside a fluorescent lighting fixture.
Was it really necessary to wait 28 years for a sequel that wasn’t worth attempting in the first place? Director Joseph Kosinski has a background in commercials, and it shows. Everything looks sleek, but who’s buying? Grade: C- (Rated PG for sequences of sci-fi action violence and brief mild language.)
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