Review: 'Fanboys'
Does anybody really want to see a movie about "Star Wars" geeks in 1998 who break into the Skywalker Ranch for a sneak peek at "Episode I"? Given the number of said geeks populating the planet, I suppose the answer is "Yes." (The film's contingent is played by Sam Huntington, Christopher Marquette, Dan Fogler, Jay Baruchel and Kristen Bell.) But where does that leave the rest of us? "Fanboys," directed by Kyle Newman, doesn't delve into the mania of fandom, it exploits it. Since George Lucas himself gave a thumbs up to this microbudgeted movie, "Star Wars" paraphernalia abounds, as well as cameos by Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams and, in a funnyish nod to rival Trekkies, William Shatner. Lucas, you will have noticed, as well as Harrison Ford, are MIA. Smart move. Grade: C- (Rated PG-13 for pervasive crude and sexual material, language, and drug content.)