By Caroline Lubbers, Whipped, The Blog
1. Put 1/4 cup of dried corn kernels into a paper bag.
2. If you have one, press the “Popcorn” button on your microwave. This might not be the ideal time. You have to experiment a little. Listen for when the popping starts to slow and when there are a few seconds between pops, stop the microwave and check it. You don’t want to burn the corn. And, you don’t want too many kernels left in the bag. If you don’t have the “Popcorn” button, start with 2 1/2 minutes. Add more if needed.
3. One of the other wonderful conveniences is that if you want to add butter and salt, you can just coat the corn after it has popped while in the bag. Melt 1 tablespoon (or however much you want) of butter. Drizzle over the popped corn in the bag and sprinkle with salt. Close the bag and shake it to coat.
4. This air popped microwave corn makes a healthy lunch box addition, after school snack, or an easy movie night accompaniment.
See the full post on Stir It Up!