Back to school: Curbing teen anxieties around fitting in and keeping up
For teens all across the country the transition back to school has begun. Over the next few weeks the last of the nation’s schools will open their doors to start a new school year. We are all left asking ourselves: “Where did the summer go?”
For teens the beginning of school is a lot about transitions. Each high school year seems to signify another milestone; each year characterized by a specific set of tasks.
The first day of school is always filled with lots of anticipation and excitement. Simply getting the ‘look’ right is an important part of the process. Within mere hours memories of summer fun are put on the back burner as teens fully embrace the energy fueled by a new school year.
The first few days and weeks are filled with a frenetic energy that seems to take over. As the new old routine sets a daily rhythm the pace quickens and school year life takes holds. There are of course academic concerns, after school activities including sports, arts, clubs, etc. Stress levels rise and fall as teens are shuttled from one thing to the next. The days are longer and more action packed; from sun-up to sun-down takes on a whole new meaning.
School days are indeed here again. Take a deep breath, be mindful, in the moment. And while you may feel like there is too much to do, do yourself a favor and take a step back. It will all get done, after all, it always does.
School days are back, before you know the holidays will be here, but for now just try to take it all in stride.