Growing up: What a 10-year-old wants to drive when he grows up
Earlier this week, Grande asked for a Facebook account. No way. (Personally? I think the “recommended age” of 13 is even too young!) He’s also been asking me about culinary schools (he wants to be a baker, like the Cake Boss) and has been car shopping online. He’s 10.
Grande: Mom. There’s this car and it’s only *$20,000. Since it’s not that expensive, I’ll get that one when I can drive.
Me: Ha! Start saving now, Bud. Also, give it six to seven years. It’ll come down in price.
Grande: Oh, like it’ll go on sale?
Me: More like it will be used and it won’t be new, so it will cost less.
Grande: Oh, I do NOT want a used car!
Me: Hello? Our van was used when we got it! And if you have to choose between a used car or no car, you’ll probably think differently. WHY ARE WE EVEN TALKING ABOUT THIS???
Grande: I am planning for the future.
I like that he has an idea of what he wants to be when he grows up. He loves helping in the kitchen, with baking and cooking, and I am happy to help nurture that. I’m even looking into cake decorating classes in our area. I’m answering his questions about culinary schools, how long it will take, the different programs, etc. But car shopping? He’s 10! What’s next, apartment hunting?
Take it down a notch, kid.
*For those wondering, he built and configured a Volkswagen Jetta SE with convenience package.
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