'Star Wars VII': Here's the movie's official title

The official title for the seventh film in the 'Star Wars' series was recently revealed. The new 'Star Wars' film will be released in December 2015. 

Lucasfilm Ltd./AP
J.J. Abrams, director of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens,' talks to the fans from the movie set in the desert in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

The upcoming “Star Wars” film has a name.

According to the official Star Wars Twitter account, the full title of the new “Star Wars” movie is “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”

The new “Star Wars” film features the return of actors Mark Hamill, who portrayed Jedi knight Luke Skywalker; Harrison Ford, who played smuggler Han Solo; and Carrie Fisher, who took on the role of Princess Leia Organa. Actors Peter Mayhew, who played Han Solo’s sidekick Chewbacca, Kenny Baker, who portrayed the robot R2-D2, and Anthony Daniels, who played the robot C-3PO, are also in the new film.

Newcomers to the franchise who are appearing in the movie include Andy Serkis of the “Lord of the Rings” films, “12 Years a Slave” actress Lupita Nyong’o, Gwendoline Christie of “Game of Thrones,” “Girls” actor Adam Driver, “The Exorcist” actor Max von Sydow, Oscar Isaac of “Inside Llewyn Davis,” “About Time” actor Domhnall Gleeson, “Imperial Dreams” actor John Boyega, and Daisy Ridley of “Mr. Selfridge.”

Reaction to the new title seems to mainly be mildly optimistic. io9 writer Rob Bricken wrote of “Force,” “Could be better, but it also could be a lot worse. I kinda dig it,” while Vulture writer Margaret Lyons noted that “it's definitely a better title than ‘Attack of the Clones,’ but it's not quite as jazzy as ‘The Empire Strikes Back.’ Is anything in our world as jazzy as The Empire Strikes Back? So far, no.”

Entertainment Weekly writer Anthony Breznican asked, “Has the Force been … slumbering? We certainly saw it help Luke Skywalker… But remember Han Solo dismissing talk of the Force… Maybe this energy that binds the galaxy together has only been visible to a select few, while the denizens of the galaxy put their faith in the science and technology of interstellar travel?” 

However, he noted that “the one thing we can all agree on is it beats… The Phantom Menace, and although it strikes a little close to the vanilla side it may be reassuring to some who are glad the new trilogy is going tried-and-true rather than skewing campy, vague, or avant-garde.” 

“Force” will hit theaters on Dec. 18, 2015.

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