Top Picks: Bill Evans's 'Some Other Time,' National Geographic's 'Mars,' and more
Poet's gem
You know the thrill of finding a $20 bill in a pants pocket? Well, we found a Bill, a gem of an unreleased album by the peerless poet of piano jazz, Bill Evans. Some Other Time by the circa-1968 Bill Evans Trio, with Eddie Gomez on bass and the great Jack DeJohnette swinging on the drum kit, immediately qualifies as a “must-have” for any fan of the artist or genre. While every track is a standout, the title song really stands out.
Bright crosswalks
Artist Christo Guelov makes drivers and walkers alike more aware of crosswalks and makes Torrelodones, Spain, more beautiful with his project Funnycross, for which he paints pedestrian crosswalks eye-catching shades of color. If you’re not traveling to Torrelodones anytime soon, you can see Guelov’s work at the artist’s website,
Mars mission
The Red Planet has captured Earth’s imagination for decades, and now National Geographic’s new miniseries Mars is examining the planet in an intriguing way. The show features not only interviews with various science figures but also imagines astronauts’ trip to Mars in 2033. The series debuts on Nov. 14 at 9 p.m.
New side
Everyone has seen photos of Paris landmarks like the Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame Cathedral. Photographer Sebastian Erras is looking to capture a different side of the city with his series Paris Re-tale, which features various beautiful storefronts, including one for a bakery and another for a toy store. See Erras’s work at
Dory returns
Memory-challenged regal blue tang Dory is back in Pixar’s newest hit, Finding Dory, which follows Dory’s quest to find her family. “Finding Nemo” characters Marlin and Nemo are back for the new tale, too. “Finding Dory” is available on DVD and Blu-ray Nov. 15.