10 best Facebook apps and games

Words with Friends

Just like Scrabble, Words with Friends features one-on-one competition with another player (or Facebook friend) to see who can arrange the best words.

The smart-phone version of Words with Friends is wonderful. But not everyone owns a smart phone. So combine that with Facebook and what do you get? Two glorious time wasters in one place. This Words with Friends app looks near identical to the popular iPhone and Android versions. And hey, for those of you who get tired of squinting at tiny phone screens, this is a preferable way to lay down those 30-point words. The game, which is essentially online Scrabble, lets players take turns at their leisure – this way, there’s no pressure to find a great word instantly. And for those of you who are lucky enough to have a smart phone and Facebook, know that you can start a game on your phone then keep playing on Facebook, and vice versa.

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