Environment | Global Warming
- Farmers have a beef with plant- or lab-grown ‘meat.’ Should you care?How we speak can say a lot about how we think – and it can influence how we spend. Consider a rancher-led battle over food labels, where ‘plant-based meat’ is either an oxymoron or cutting-edge Earth-friendly cuisine.
- Antarctica is actually gaining ice, says NASA. Is global warming over?Not really, scientists say. But new study results show the fallibility of current climate change measuring tools and challenges current theories about the causes of sea level rise.
- Electric 'robocabs': Key to curbing vehicle emissions?Driverless cars are coming, but overhauling a single niche sector like taxi cabs could be cost-effective and good for the environment, according to a new study
- Why Rick Santorum doesn't want Pope Francis talking about climate changeIn an interview on a Philadelphia radio show Monday, Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum criticized the pope’s vocal stance on climate change and the environment.
More Global Warming
- Cities may be leaking more heat-trapping methane than previously thoughtA new approach to measuring methane leaks revealed that the Boston area alone lost enough natural gas during one year to fuel 200,000 homes.
- 2014 warmest year on record: Will 2015 top it?Preliminary estimates indicate that 2014 was a record-breaker, despite the lack of an El Niño and a slowdown in the pace of warming during the first part of the 21st century.
- People's Climate March draws 300,000 to ManhattanThousands of climate change activists and others gathered in Manhattan Sunday for the People’s Climate March. It came just before the UN’s Climate Summit, expected to draw nearly 100 heads of state.
- Cover StoryClimate change chief dossier: Christiana FigueresUN climate change chief Christiana Figueres is a long distance runner and constant traveler who calls wherever she is "home." Here is a thumbnail profile.
- Cover StoryClimate change summitry's force of nature: Christiana FigueresHow UN climate change chief Christiana Figueres became a fierce crusader to lower Earth's thermostat. A visceral connection to the planet – from the now-extinct golden toads of her childhood in the Costa Rican jungle to shrinking glaciers – moves her to tears.
- People’s Climate March aims to be biggest rally yet on global warmingThe People’s Climate March, scheduled for Sunday in New York and featuring everything from noisemakers to an ark, will take place just days before world leaders gather there to address global warming concerns at the UN Climate Summit.
- Michigan Senate race: Can outsider millions make climate change an issue?Outside groups backed by the Koch brothers on the right and environmentalist billionaire Tom Steyer on the left are pumping millions into a race that tests whether climate issues can play well for Democrats in moderate states.
- Behind Ohio drinking-water ban, a Lake Erie mysteryUnsafe levels of toxins in drinking water in northwest Ohio are linked to algae blooms in Lake Erie. The blooms are fed by agricultural runoff, but that's not the full story.
- NASA to launch replacement global warming satelliteFive years after losing its first satellite designed to measure carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, NASA is finally launching a replacement.
- Global warming to disrupt US economy by mid-century, report findsCosts of economic disruption from global warming are likely to total hundreds of billions of dollars by 2050, a new risk assessment finds. The bipartisan report tallies losses to four sectors of the US economy.
Monitor's Best: Top 5
- Germany’s ‘firewall’ against populism has held so far. Sunday will be its biggest test.
- Washington adopts a Zimbabwe innovation: Grannies offering park-bench therapy
- For Syria’s religious minorities, new freedoms, yet lingering insecurity
- Cover Story‘I didn’t know I needed it.’ Why neighborhoods rally to save movie houses.
- FocusUniversity of Austin was founded on free speech. How’s its first year?