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Environment news you may have missed.

Many smokers don't realize that cigarette butts aren't biodegradable.

Here's some of the environment-related news that attracted our attention over the past few days:

First, a bit of shameless self-promotion. The Bright Green Blog's Eoin O'Carroll looks at the what might happen to hybrid cars in the government takeover of General Motors: "You just bought a car company. Now what?"

There's been plenty written about the Tennessee Valley Authority coal ash spill, but probably GQ has done it best so far, in "Black Tide," a very long article that explores the human and scientific issues.

We go from coal ash to cigarette ashes. They're both controversial environmental topics, no butts about it.

Most of us would like to live in a green house, and they are becoming more affordable – even prefab homes are going green, reports USA Today. But what about a house you can heat with a hair dryer? One's slated to be finished by September in Oregon.

And one final link - your laugh of the day:

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