Keystone XL: 5 basic things you should know

For those not up to speed on the Keystone XL controversy, here is what you need to know.

3. But isn’t there already a Keystone pipeline?

Sarah A. Miller/The Tyler Morning Telegraph/AP/File
In this Dec. 3, 2012 file photo, crews work on construction of the TransCanada Keystone Pipeline near County Road 363 and County Road 357, east of Winona, Texas.

Yes. In fact, the Keystone Pipeline System consists of four phases; TransCanada received a presidential permit for the first phase in March 2008. It began operating in the US in 2010 and transports oil from Alberta to Illinois.

Since then, the second and third phases – which extend the original pipeline to Oklahoma, then the Gulf Coast, respectively – were constructed and are currently in operation. Keystone XL would be the fourth and final phase.  

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