When The Christian Science Monitor Daily launched eight years ago, it broke new ground in giving readers an elegant, innovative look at our top stories. It’s still ahead of the curve – rising above the cacophony of nonstop news reports with a curated selection of stories that enriches your understanding of the world.
But how the world is consuming news has changed dramatically. So we’re responding with a fresh, more accessible Daily.
Here’s what that will look like:
Our goal is to combine greater ease of use with the depth and insight you expect. The Daily email will offer a concise overview of our stories, while readers who want to go deeper can click through to the website and navigate through all our content. In other words, a scan of the daily newsletter will set you up well for your day – but also give you tools to go deeper.
We hope you’ll enjoy these changes. If you have any questions, please email me at editor@csmonitor.com.